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Many Java Codebases Are a Mess
Me rant about Java and Java devs
Exploring Interactivity in Astro
Discovering the interactive capabilities of Astro-powered websites using MDX
记录信息来源, 持续修订
Finding Fulfillment at Work
Exploration of common workplace dissatisfaction factors and practical approaches to enhance career fulfillment.
Strategies for Effortless and Impactful Writing
Discover practical techniques to make writing easier and more effective, including leveraging AI tools, personal note-taking systems, and identity-based habit formation for a more productive writing process.
What Makes a Good Blog: Beyond Aesthetics and Technical Aspects
The concept of digital gardening, ideal navigation structures, and content update challenges
Build My Workout App
Why and How I built my workout App in 3 days
Decompose task
No description available
RocketMQ 磁盘满处理方式
An explanation of how RocketMQ handles disk full scenarios, including the error message, relevant source code, and the disk space checking mechanism.
The Benefits and Challenges of Shadowing
An exploration of shadowing as a language learning technique, discussing its effectiveness at different proficiency levels and providing practical tips for maximizing its benefits.
A summary of my experience learning Indonesian in one month, discussing the challenges and achievements, and providing insights into the learning process.
An overview of the technologies and tools used to create this blog, including Astro, MDX, React, Tailwind CSS, and more.
ThirdTime 工作法使用一个月后的心得体会
A reflection on the experience of using the ThirdTime work method for one month, discussing the challenges and achievements, and providing insights into the work method.
RocketMQ 5.0 解锁任意时间延迟消息能力
An exploration of the new delay message feature in RocketMQ 5.0, discussing its implementation and how to set the precision parameter for optimal performance.
RocketMQ MQBrokerException: CODE: 14 问题排查
A detailed investigation of the MQBrokerException code 14 issue in RocketMQ, discussing the causes and solutions.
An overview of distributed tracing concepts, including traces, spans, and contexts, with a focus on OpenTracing standards and their applications in system monitoring and debugging.
用 MessageChannel 和 iframe 通信
An explanation of how to use MessageChannel for bidirectional communication between a parent page and an iframe, with code examples and step-by-step instructions.
用clojure写个编译器, part1
A tutorial series on building a compiler in Clojure, starting with simple arithmetic expressions and progressing to more complex language features, including AST visualization and compilation to stack-based VM instructions.
Lens part1 - Iso
An introduction to Iso, a type of lens in functional programming that represents isomorphisms between types. The post explains the concept, provides code examples in Scala, and demonstrates practical applications of Iso in handling unit conversions.
free functor/monad
An exploration of natural transformations between functors in functional programming, introducing the concept of Free functors and demonstrating how to implement conversions between different container types like Monix Task, Scala Future, and Java CompletableFuture.
akka实现logical timestamp和分布式锁, part 1-1: 问题描述和总体框架
An implementation of a distributed mutex using Akka, exploring logical timestamps and consensus algorithms. This post introduces the problem, outlines the requirements for the distributed lock, and sets up the basic Akka actor structure for the solution.
out of core sorting, rust实现
A Rust implementation of out-of-core sorting algorithm, demonstrating how to handle datasets larger than available memory. This post covers the basic concepts of out-of-core sorting, explains the phased approach, and provides a step-by-step implementation in Rust, focusing on disk I/O operations and memory management.
string search algorithm #1: 暴力枚举和Boyer–Moore算法
An introduction to string search algorithms, focusing on the naive brute-force approach and the Boyer-Moore algorithm. This post explains the basic concepts, implementation details, and efficiency improvements of these methods for finding substrings within larger text.
An introduction to profunctors in functional programming, explaining their definition, relationship to bifunctors, and implementation in Scala. This post covers the basic structure of profunctors, their laws, and provides examples of profunctor instances like function types.
map reduce
An overview of the MapReduce distributed computing model based on the original Google paper. This post covers the MapReduce workflow, master-worker architecture, fault tolerance mechanisms, and optimization techniques like data locality and backup tasks. It also addresses common questions about task granularity and failure handling in MapReduce systems.
at most once
An explanation of how to implement at-most-once semantics in distributed systems, covering client-side XID usage, server-side result caching, and strategies for cache management and handling concurrent requests.
polymorphic function value 2
An exploration of polymorphic function values in Scala, focusing on natural transformations. This post discusses the limitations of standard Scala function values and introduces a more flexible approach for handling polymorphic functions, particularly useful for operations on heterogeneous lists (HLists).
An overview of out-of-core sorting and hashing techniques for handling datasets larger than available memory. This post explains buffer usage, the process of external sorting with multiple passes, and partitioning strategies for out-of-core hashing, including analysis of memory requirements and data size limitations.
applicative functor
An introduction to applicative functors in functional programming, explaining their definition, methods, and properties with Scala code examples. The post covers the ap and pure methods, as well as the product-based definition of applicatives.
An introduction to lenses in functional programming, explaining how they serve as functional equivalents to getters and setters in object-oriented programming, with code examples in Scala.
An introduction to Kleisli arrows in functional programming, explaining how they enable composition of functions that return monadic values. The post covers the concept of Kleisli composition, its implementation in Cats, and provides examples using the Writer monad.
Contravariant Functor Intuition
An exploration of contravariant functors in functional programming, explaining their definition, intuition, and practical applications. The post covers the contramap function, compares it with covariant functors, and provides examples using Show and Ordering types in Scala.
An overview of networking hardware including hubs, switches, and routers, along with traffic classification and packet capture techniques. This post explores the differences between these devices, their roles in network communication, and methods for monitoring network traffic.
fault tolerence vm
An analysis of fault-tolerant virtual machine replication techniques, discussing primary-backup architectures, deterministic replay, output consistency, and failure detection mechanisms. The post also compares these approaches with log replication in the Raft consensus algorithm.
An analysis of the Google File System (GFS) architecture, discussing its design assumptions, chunk-based storage, metadata management, and consistency model. The post explores the benefits and drawbacks of large chunk sizes, the role of the master server, and the system's approach to data mutations and consistency.
An overview of the Raft consensus algorithm, explaining its key components including leader election and log replication. This post covers the basics of how Raft ensures consistency across distributed systems, handles network partitions, and maintains a replicated state machine.
An overview of the OSI and TCP/IP network models, explaining the functions of each layer and how they interact. This post also covers network topologies and protocols like CSMA and token ring used in bus networks.
An overview of database storage methods, including log-structured storage, indexing techniques, Sorted String Tables (SSTs), and B-trees. The post explores the advantages of each approach and discusses optimizations for improved performance and reliability.